Puget Sound IFT is excited to be holding nominations and elections for next year's elected Puget Sound IFT Officers.
The following Volunteer Positions are open:
President-Elect 2020-2021
Secretary-Elect 2020-2021
Member-at-Large 2020-2023
You may not hold more than one elected position at a time
You must be a current IFT and Puget Sound IFT chapter member in good standing (dues paid) throughout the duration of your term
We look forward to your participation in the nomination & election process!
If you’re interested in nominating yourself or another eligible candidate for one of the open positions, or just interested in getting more involved, please contact Hayley Bell (hayley@culinex.biz). The deadline to submit nominations is March 9, 2020.
We will be holding elections for open positions and distributing electronic ballots via email to PSIFT members. Voting will be open from March 18th through March 29th and election results will be announced in early April.